Back to Brussels / university exams in French / The last Erasmus evenings in Corbeau and Celtica, with Chimay Bleue and fries, naturellement! / Farewell to a friendly, lively, cheerful, but too flat and rainy city / unpacking to again pack / The troubles with the restlessness / A long journey into the heart of Africa / The taxi ride from the airport to Kampala, Africa's humid tropical scents in the nose, the sun is overhead / first visit to the large green Makerere campus and move into new temporary home / Long walks through Kampala / Delay Uni-Start and the cordial, informative contacts with my fellow students / education cuts are a part of everyday life, just like chalk and talk, Diktierstunden and chalk and blackboard / long evening of being together in the courtyard of Akamwesi / The Balcony visits by Denis / Rolex is the daily breakfast ritual / BBC World Radio is the only compound in the wide world / Pool with June and Tomo, over and over again / joy and suffering on and with the African Culture / The advantages and disadvantages to be white / Missing "time consciousness" and the incomprehensibly huge Brüokratie Jungle Makerere / insight into the machinations of Mr. Museveni, / And again raise new experience the look and bring more realism and less idealistic Parteiigkeit / NZZ Campus and the interview with Okware / study tour in the West: mashed bananas, hours of bus rides, a Congolese refugee camp, a small bed we have to divide us, breathtaking natural beauty / More Flights to Jinja and on an island in Lake Victoria, to the operator of an a crazy Dutchman Napoleon surveys or matatu, Wandegeya and Matooke / UCICC - an important, insightful internship / unexpected intensive probation / Abandoning the Makerere / gratitude / A reunion with Moni / The moving views of the Sipi Falls on Africa / The Nairobi-Mombasa train ride / Lamu - A small, undiscovered paradise / travel fatigue and a little homesick / At the very End's hit me yet, malaria / sadness and anticipation at parting from Africa arrived in Dubai from the worst city in the world / The heat that exceeds my previous imagination and me very uncomfortable at the whim strikes / line: delight in European climate / Glad to be back here / But soon: packing for America (and the thought: this is not entirely übetrieben) / Los Angeles and new insights into the life of my sister / I now have a brother in law! / Nils and Brächi arrive: the road trip begins / A long, exciting night in Vegas Then on through the endless expanses of the Wild West, hours of driving through nothingness, a constant flicker on the horizon, reading, sleeping, music, talk, silence / San Francisco and Berkeley, we are all somehow become adult / Washington DC and the epicenter of world politics directly in front of the nose to return home and thus the joy of finally arriving linger, and deep roots to / But soon the realization that the year has to be a gap can / work starting in Affoltern / Formative insights into seemingly unbelievable stories, and the system having an often disenchanted / a month camping in Ottenbach and the realization that the romantic idea but not always the cold and completely energized with reality / Regulatory Governance and the still-increasing joy in the study of matter / The visit to the NZZ and the first large order / prepare for the TOEFL English test - and finally an unexpectedly good, joyful result / The challenges of Practical Applications close failure at the SDC, will ultimately's going to Bern, in the dark / work everyday, nebstdem university, writing, learning - or dealing with too / Put it in Brahmshof, which is quickly becoming the true home / Zoon Politikon / Missed Geo- Lectures make up somewhere between despair and intransigence / Hoping existence again - this time as radical as never / Frankfurt-out with Moni, green sauce, the birthplace of Goethe's Faust, one night in Giessen preparations for the Master's applications: Where will it go? Geneva, Berlin, Heidelberg, St. Gallen? / American Christmas and the prospect of a new year that much, hopefully not too many promises.
If I create a Facebook group, so I would get "When selecting the box office I look at the cashier" call. And this is not simply plucked from the air, but part of my daily bread. After all, shopping, do you duress between. In today's time when you shop at Migros and Coop, always raises the question of which one takes office. It is often tried to catch the fastest. This is only in rare cases correctly estimated, as guaranteed exactly at the selected fund the card reader does not work or something else is wrong. If you start at the moment to change the fund, has lost only one right! (And can then watch as the people who once queuing behind you, have already paid). But as I said, yes you have to choose a fund, unless you're in mom and pop shop purchases around the corner. So you have a concrete criterion here, and here I am on the cashier encountered. (This could be because in the Zähringer Migros Bern alldrgatig students busy.) And so it makes a then did nothing to wait a little longer, because after that you do indeed served by a distinctive Frölein. And the more you think about it, it is likely that the fund choice conducive to the cashier and fast progress is. I can not think of that is that the women, which represent in the supermarkets of this country are still the majority, and the same selection process as I do. Anyway, this contribution is of much interest to women, but I can not imagine bigoscht how women choose the cash register.
the end we will explain briefly the still current, financial crisis:
three boys now for 15 Sfr. a football in a sports shop. When the boys left the store, says the CEO of the seller that the ball actually only 10 Sfr. would be worth and the remaining 5 Sfr. should be shared among the young. now asks the seller how he should do that and decide to use the following solution: He drinks a beer for 2 Sfr. and gives each boy a € back. Now the boys every 4 Sfr. paid for the ball (12 Sfr.) and the seller has 2 Sfr. paid for his beer. They are together 14 Sfr.
Birgit Schrowange , announcer ZDF, RTL TV presenter and journalist Birgit Schrowange is probably for the majority of the audience best-known ex-ZDF announcer. "You many years, led by the programs offered by the Second and joined the 90 years of RTL in Cologne. where she hosts the program "Super RTL's Magazine", "LIFE! The desire to live" and "LIFE! Total crazy." First TV experience BIRGIT collected at WDR in Cologne (WEST 3). She said at the school TV and moderated in the "Current Time". In the summer of 2002, a TV magazine asked about the sexiest woman on tv. And who won? Of course, Birgit Schrowange! Number 2 and 3 followed by the way Nina Ruge (ZDF) and Sonya Kraus (ProSieben). In the fall of 2002 can be admired Birgit Schrowange during the advertising: it is seen in the TV commercial for fashion company "eagle". Birgit was at 19:04:03 at Hape Kerkeling in the "70s Show" (RTL) to host and shown their first west3 announcement in mono. The WDR television devoted Birgit Schrowange in October 2003 a "reunion" in prime time (together with Hans Meiser). Birgit Schrowange on 7 born April 1958 in Brilon / Sauerland. She visited in Brilon six years, the monastery school at the Sisters of Charity "and made of the average maturity at the request of parents trained as a paralegal. Early on it was clear that she wanted on TV. moved the age of 19 Birgit Schrowange to Cologne and took a position at WDR as an editorial assistant at the radio division in the policy. Because she wanted to qualify, she attended a training course for public presentation and speech training. This training should pay off in 1983 when she applied to a ZDF-ad for a moderation task. Birgit Schrowange beat out more than 500 candidates joined the station in Mainz, where they remained for eleven years. It developed into one of the most prominent Programmpräsentatorinnen on German television. In addition to announcements, they also took over the moderation of galas and exhibitions, the presentation of the "Hit Parade" (1994) and various other programs, such as the show "to see them again" (from 1991). Apart from that it was always as a journalist in action. So they looked after the column "speech, like the beak has grown" by and sparkle (Burda-Verlag), and each week the column " Birgit Schrowange presents the Women's News Magazine". Birgit was also Schrowange in smaller television roles, such as among others in the crime series "A Case for Two" and view as a witch in a Snow White skit in "Show & Co. with Carlo". In October 1994 she finally returned to the legal and public television's back and moved the private channel RTL in Cologne. There, she hosted from 1994 successfully the program "Extra" and in 1995 the lifestyle magazine "Life - The desire to live." About their experiences and memories told the journalist to their fans in the book "to live So much pleasure," which came in 1998 on the market. From 1998 to 2006, Birgit Schrowange with her fellow moderators Markus Lanz dating, their son Laurin Luis came in September 2000 on the world. 2008, the presenter of the Medal of Merit for her social commitment to child poverty has been awarded. ZDF moderators usually come from journalistic or artistic professions. Even newcomers to have the potential, are welcome. The famous presenters, as Birgit Schrowange and Günther Jauch, the ZDF Germany deals. Sexy Birgit Schrowange changed in 1985, from the WDR ZDF Germany. She was one of many presenters ZDF, which was seen by the viewers happy. Today.