Fatma Solak is New Mid-presenter of the service magazine "ARD Buffet". The 33-year-old woman presented to the Wiesbaden produced by SWR, at noon on the first broadcast program from 12 July, alternating with Evelyn King, Florian Weber and Holger Wienpahl. Before her first jump into it led by the SWR-afternoon show "Coffee or tea?" and Rheinland-Pfalz aktuell ".

Her successor at "coffee or tea?" Pamela is Great. The presenter was born in Hamburg as a child and young people for the television series "News from Süderhof" and "The Country Doctor" in front of the camera and presented from 1998 to 2007 the "Tiger Duck Club" in the First. Two daughters were the result of a subsequent baby break.

's service magazine "ARD Buffet" which is broadcast weekdays at 12:15 in the first clock and the afternoon show "Coffee or tea?" SWR obtained from next Monday new presenters. German babe will be lead midway Fatma Solak from next week by the ARD-format and in the weekly exchange with Evelyn King, Florian Weber and Holger Wienpahl to see. Born in Frankenthal, she was previously at SWR in the show "Coffee or tea?" and in the regional magazine "Rheinland-Pfalz aktuell" to see.

By Fatma Solak change from mid-first into the election-Stuttgart Erin Pamela Large new presenter of the SWR-magazine, which is broadcast weekdays at 16:05 clock. The 33-year-old, who was born in 1977 in Hamburg, including many spectators known as an actress in the series "News from Süderhof" and "The Country Doctor" and as host of the "Tiger duck clubs. "A daily service to moderate Magazine is a great challenge. I also look forward to many exciting topics, some of which are also changing my life," said Large.

Mid-Solak Fatma, born in 1977, was born in Frankenthal, Germany, studied education and political In Heidelberg and wrote her thesis on the topic of "learning through the mass media for the integration of migrants".

During her studies she worked as a freelancer in South-West Radio - without concealing that they much prefer the "radio" than in the lecture hall. From 1999 to 2003 she was a presenter and producer for "DASDING" on the radio, from 2002 they carried out the heading "Starbla" at "DASDING.TV" in the SWR television. Your time in DASDING it describes as a great gift and is now a big fan of the editors.

In March 2003 she was a reporter for SWR3 use. Followed in 2004 an internship at Southwest Broadcasting, which she completed in March 2006 and, according to very much. From May 2006 she worked as an editor at SWR4 Rheinland-Pfalz in the department to date information and state politics. We currently also working more with the regional news Rheinland-Pfalz News as a presenter and reporter.

your enthusiasm is one of the poetry, the running and the city of Istanbul.

The ARD-Buffet is a television program, produced by SWR in Baden-Baden and every working day from 12:15 bis 13:00 clock clock runs in the first. This is an advice show with different themes. Mascot of the show was a cat represented today in the logo of the show is.

's service magazine "ARD Buffet" which is broadcast weekdays at 12:15 clock in the First, will lead midway Fatma Solak. She was previously at SWR in the show "Coffee or tea?" and in the regional magazine "Rheinland-Pfalz aktuell" to see.

Mid-Solak Fatma, born in Palatine with a Turkish immigrant, presented in both the SWR television service broadcasting 'coffee or tea "and the message" Rheinland-Pfalz aktuell ".

kitchen area - a well-known chef prepares live in the studio a lunch or a court Starter. It runs mostly a personal message (such as: cooking with pasta, the Christmas menu) through the week. The cooks usually occur on certain days and all have their own private restaurant. The respective host looks between the subject and box office movies over at the cooks, the end of the program have completed the preparation. All studio guests taste the court finally at a table, while the mystery is resolved and starts Abmoderation. Often jump in other known chefs when the really must meet for the day provided for cooking other commitments. For example, the chef Jörg Sackmann is a regular guest of the show.

* Karl Heinz Hauser Monday
* Jacqueline Amirfallah Tuesdays Wednesdays
* Vincent Klink and Thursdays
* Otto Koch Friday
* Jörg Sackmann representation as

Former chefs

* Rainer Strobel (2002-2008 )
* Ute Herzog (1998-2002) The moderators week
change the moderation mode.

* Evelyn King (since 1998, maternity leave, 2001-2002) *
Schoog Bernadette (2001 - July 2010) * Holger
Wienpahl (since 2008) *
Florian Weber (since 2009)
* Mid-Fatma Solak (July 2010)

Former Moderators

* Bernd Schröder (1998-2007)
* Ernst-Marcus Thomas (2003-2008)
* Jacqueline Stuhler (1998-2008) * and * Miriam
Christmann † as a styling expert (1999-2008)

Fatma Solak and Mid-SWR

She studied Education and Political Science at the Ruprecht-Karls University in Heidelberg. Mid-Fatma Solak is a child of the SWR. Even at age 21, she worked as a freelancer while studying at Southwest Broadcasting.

From 1999 to 2003 she was a radio presenter and editor at DASDING, the youth program of the SWR. In 2003 she moved to SWR3 and was in use as a reporter.

In 2004, then followed after graduation as an intern at Southwest Broadcasting.

of journalistic training, she sat in her focus in particular on the coverage in the news and television reports. After the internship, she used her bi-media experience and was from 2006 to SWR4 Rheinland-Pfalz editor in the department to date information and state politics, she also hosted the service program "Coffee or tea?" in SWR television, through which they continue one week a month out. Since March 2007, she supports the team of Rhineland-Palatinate date. She presents the early edition of the newscast and a reporter in the country on the move.

What she is thrilled to Rhineland-Palatinate, the variety of dialects. "Every place has its own language. But most of all I like the trusted me Frankenthaler Pfälzisch with his ever cheerful tone." For ten years, she also enjoys the sound of Eifler Platt-Her husband is from Daun in the Eifel.

Evelyn King

studied in Tübingen, they Cultural Studies, Germanic and art history. During her She worked as a reporter for the Southwest Radio in Baden-Baden and in the regional studio Tübingen.

Following an internship at the Southwest began her career as a radio presenter. For many years she presented regularly in Stuttgart the news program of Baden-Württemberg on SWR Baden-Wuerttemberg.

heard since 1998, laid it on the ARD-BUFFET-host team.

Fatma Solak midway (33) is the new face in our Moderation Team. Some viewers they already know as a moderator of the service program "Coffee or tea?" and the Home News "Rheinland-Pfalz aktuell" - both broadcasts of the SWR television.

Fatma Solak Mid-studied Political Science and Education and then worked at the SWR radio waves DasDing, SWR SWR 3 and 4th

The presenter is looking forward to stand together with our chefs in front of the camera, because she herself is a talented amateur cook. "A talent that I have from my mother," said Mid-Solak. "I get out of the seemingly most unlikely ingredients or even a court." The traitor
our new presenter on the

What do you enjoy most about your job the most fun?
My Guest! It is very exciting, when guests can inspire me for her theme.

What were you doing before the ARD-Buffet?
I have for the sister program "Coffee or Tea" worked on SWR television. It belongs to the editorial ARD Buffet. The show ARD-Buffet is very familiar to me-it is indeed produced in the neighboring studio.

Do you have a motto? A motto is
not necessarily.

What hobbies do you have?
respect, that sounds now, after showing off, but I do in my free time very much. If I do not just sit at the sewing machine and clothing cutters, I'm in the yoga center, or pull on my running shoes and start running. I'll do the rest, rather than mountain biking, but my bike is one of them to my exercise program.

Which 3 cities or countries you travel?
always like Istanbul. A city that is still on my travel list is Tokyo. Very high on that list as well as India.

What is your favorite food?
bread, pretzels and butter. This is a perennial favorite with me. Otherwise, I love the Oriental cuisine and, more recently, Japanese food.

you cooking?
I even love to cook. I can correctly off during cooking. I try out many new dishes, cook but never strictly on prescription.

What are you looking forward to the ARD Buffet?
to my guests and experts.