The great ARD World Tour - Part 2 with Mareile Hoeppner.

Thursday, 07.22.2009, 20:15 clock in the First
The three teams per shipment

Each three-rate teams with celebrities make their way to quiz two episodes away back down the global 40,000 km around the globe.

The team members of the second mission:

team globetrotter
Jens Riewa and Mareile Hoeppner

team climbers
Jutta Speidel and Bruno Maccallini

team beach runner
Horst Lichter and Nina Eichinger

know you look good in the world? Do you know about Argentina, Spain and Japan?

Share your knowledge to the test and make the world travel test with the questions of the second show "The Great ARD World Tour" with Mareile Hoeppner, on 22 July 2010, sent.

goes to every question you have three possible answers to choose from. One of them is correct. Immediately after answering the question, you will see the resolution.
Click through the questions, test your knowledge and earn miles. For each correctly answered question, there are 3500 kilometers.

Around the World

With a little luck you quiz 40,000 kilometers in the world together again. Have fun In the second stage travel around the world!

Today is the second episode of the popular quiz show of the summer "The great ARD-world trip. Of 105 minutes the viewers learn many things including through remote locations around the globe. Given in the quiz show Twelve prominent guests will compete in three teams against each rate.

Today, among others, the celebrities Jutta Speidel, Bruno Maccallini, Horst Lichter, Nina Eichinger, Maren and Jens Hoeppner Riewa in the quiz show on ARD while

German babe MAREIL Hoeppner: Yes, I am pregnant!

Saturday watched her still millions of people since it was her sweet little secret. Now it is out: presenter Mareile Höppner (33) is pregnant. From Stockholm, she reported, especially for "explosive issue" of the dream wedding of the year. But that was obviously not the only reason for the beautiful rays of the TV lady.

"I shine all the time. There is nothing better than to be a mother," says the 33-year-old. Father of the child is her husband Arne Schoenfeld (33). The couple has been married for three years.

clear for "explosive issue" fans. The presenter will retire after the birth of their child in four months is not long. After a short break Mareile will quickly return to the screen.

Mareile Hoeppner: "I am so happy soul"

Great joy for Mareile Höppner is The sexy TV presenter pregnant and can their luck hold

TV presenter Mareile Hoeppner is pregnant., the 33-year-old compared to "picture" "It is an absolute wish child". "I radiate for weeks only. I could illuminate rooms, that's the luck of a pregnant woman." Happy is the father Arne Schoenfeld, is married to Maren since 2006.

Mareile weekend could see their excitement when she left Sweden on the wedding of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel.

Prince Daniel Daniel Westling has the "prince of the province" a statesman blossomed with style - and taught numerous critics of a better

"I was probably more emotional while I am so happy inspired that. I can only wish all the best part. All the more that happy couple. "

fans of the TV-pretty woman do not have to worry: Mareile Hoeppner does not want the cameras to stay away for long. "Making a short break coming, but quickly returned to the screen. "