13. August 3114 BC. Start Mayan calendar cycle What happened on 13 August 5000 years ago? (In: Legendary Times, No. 2 / 2010, Beatenberg 2010) The Mayan calendar is intersting in two respects: by the beginning of the current long count cycle on 13 August 3114 BC. and on by the upcoming short end 23 December 2012. about the end of the "Big Round" of the Mayan calendar (comprising 5125.366 years) is being recognized all over the world and speculation. Not only learned discussions are published, but it is also key words such as "Doomsday," "disaster," "new beginning" and similar terms operated sensationalism and fought for ratings. Quite apart from the many merchandising. is but the beginning of the current cycle is no less mysterious. But all calculations are based on its end on the date of its beginning. What is of significance happened at that time?
Who wants to see all this mass of information, reliable facts, has to exert very much. This is the year 3114 BC. - The beginning of the Mayan calendar cycle - the focus of attention. Journalists, mathematicians and lay people make different calculations on, numbers slide back and forth to determine the exact starting date because on that date, the end of the cycle, allegedly 23rd December 2012 is based. Much less attention, however, the "13 August" as a start tag. This is solid evidence that this information is true and just played the day for the cultures of Central America from the beginning a big role to.
enigmatic architectural feature archaeo-astronomy is a relatively new discipline, but it has much older origins than the discovery of the geometric-astronomical background megalithic sites such as Stonehenge. Back in 1909, Celia Nuttall concluded after studying Central American Illuminated manuscripts such as the Codices Mendoza, Borgia, Fejervary, Selden and others, that some temple pyramids could have served as attachments, which enabled to observe astronomical events of interest at or above the horizon or buildings to mark (1).
The idea that during the planning and construction of Mesoamerican sites and building an astronomical base line has played a role, was first considered by Oliver Ricketson in 1928 (2). Ricketson had accompanied expeditions through the Central American jungle and envisioned, detailed maps of Mayan sites and performed the first accurate measurement of longitude and latitude of Maya sites (3).
In 1945, K. Macgowan pointed in an article first pointed out that many of the prehistoric ceremonial centers in Central America appears to be a "curious alignment of their central axis have" at a point on the horizon that the cardinal north "failed" to some degree ( 4).
From the 1960s, surprised the members of the Teotihuacan Mapping Project , the first systematic survey of the historical site under René Millon, the fact that the "Street of the Dead" (the main axis of the city) only at first glance, North- south, the course on closer inspection, however, to a point on the horizon targets, which is about 15 degrees near the north is. might have been that this is not a mistake or a measurement error, the researchers identified the fact that this orientation also in all surrounding areas and in irrigation ditches at the south end of the lake had been applied near the town (5, 6). Why the layout of this city is not based on precise cardinal directions? One might almost think that there once was a wit that you just defined by the chief surveyor surveying cardinal cross, after the magnificent city should be designed to move 15 degrees clockwise and it started innocently with the building.
The orientation of the main axes of Teotihuacan to a point on the horizon, which is about 15 degrees near the north is
look at the "Street of the Dead in Teotihuacan
René Millon it looked like this:" It's like a religious dictates or concept would have all the practical considerations of storage. " (5)
In 1971, extensive field measurements started under Anthony Aveni. The result showed that of the 56 sites studied 50 this strange, the cardinal had some 15 degrees north offending orientation. Aveni was convinced that this particular line pattern was apparently used anywhere in the Valley of Mexico, including in places such as Tollan, Tepotzteco, Tenayuca and Teotihuacan. Alignment to a point on the horizon, which at 15.5 ° North and 285.5 ° northwest was - that showed no discernible meaning. Archaeologists were perplexed (1).
Initial speculation
was brave of course speculation among experts, and there have been many hypotheses about the "why" set up. 1967 Dow had suspected that it was at 285/15 ° alignment to the lower crossing point of the Pleiades on the horizon. The idea was not new, but had in 1934 and Ruiz Marquina claims that the pyramid of Tenayuca was geared towards this star. Then two stars like Sirius, or the double star system Dubbe on the short list (1).
The mid-1970s were Doris Heyden and Paul Gendrup announced that the Sun Pyramid of Teotihuacan to the point on the horizon is aligned perpendicular to the sun over the city would tear (Meridian line). But that did not fit exactly into the building concept, because that line would have been several degrees removed (7).
Earlier, Doris Heyden have been of the opinion that the sun pyramid is easily oriented in the same direction as the opening of the cave under her, who discovered her and her team now and had started on the Teotihuacanos with the construction, and the 285 / 15 ° orientation in the city layout was just a coincidence resulting therefrom without meaning (8).
Anthony Aveni was the constellation of the Pleiades as a candidate for hosting the horizon not as fast out of mind. He said that the Pleiades were at that time had been invisible until they reached the horizon of Teotihuacan, and as the precession of the Pleiades was so fast that an error of a hundred years in the dating of the baseline over time for a change of several degrees would have done, today's value would differ from that time.
But soon Aveni was clear that this is not to sites such as Tenayuca and Tollan, much was true of the other discovered places with 285 / 15 ° orientation. This fact, he said simply with the hypothesis that Orientations of the other cities and buildings outside of Teotihuacan was nothing more than "a 'non-functional' imitation of Teotihuacan horizon line (1). How wrong can it ...
the late 1970s was Professor Aveni, accompanied by a team of archaeo-astronomers, to explore the mysterious petroglyphs, stone crosses Central America and measured.
One of the stone crosses at Teotihuacan
Most of these crosses were found on the plateau near Teotihuacan, and many of them - if not all even - seemed part of the geometric city layouts and measurement tools to be . Aveni realized that must have been of what he called "Teotihuacan north" for the Mesoamerican urban planners seem more important than the northern cardinal (9).
285/15 ° The phenomenon
about the same time operational de archaeo-astronomer Vincent Malmström field research, which confirmed that the enigmatic 285 / 15 ° orientation is not only in several places on the Mexican Plateau but also in Yucatan, in the Petén, and even in Oaxaca, the Zapotec and Mixtec heartland, had to have played a role in architectural plans. Apparently all the regions of Central America were affected, and this from sites with the earliest start time of the Olmecs, and thus the start of cultures around 1200 BC. As important as this invisible line had been his, that it was to integrate into the time of the classic Maya architecture.
This orientation was only a part among many other astronomical and geometric lines, which determined the layout of Central American sites, but an undeniable. As cities such as La Venta (Olmec) and Monte Alban, the center of a culture unknown until now builders 800-300 BC. could have been much older than Teotihuacan, this architectural and geometrical features have developed not only at the Teotihuacanos (10).
In many of the later and in the outskirts of the Mayan cultural sites located in this striking alignment also shows fewer and less important structures, such as have lost the significance of this architectural orientation gradually with time and distance. Thus, for example, in cities such as Palenque or late Comalcalco prove no buildings, which were focused on this enigmatic point on the horizon (11).
The wide geographical spread of 285 / 15 ° orientation in such a broad area excludes that could have been decisive in determining the imaginary point on the horizon a certain group of stars. An emphasis on the moon is nor questioned, as only the Big and Little Moon, contact must be determined accurately and fits none of its items for this assessment measure. All dealing with this puzzle be experts soon realized that it could only be a solar orientation.
were eagerly durchgeforstet data and recalculate all the sun, they looked after sunrise and sunset points - and found it : touched off in the sun at its setting on the horizon point in question: on 13 August (10, 11)!
The 13th August
was now the 13th August so not just any day for the Central American Indians. And not for The archaeologists and excavators. It was no more and no less than a part of the date on which - if they had done right - the current Mayan calendar cycle began, on 13 August 3114 BC. - The day 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u. (About the Mayan calendar has already been written elsewhere, so much, so this information should not be repeated here.)
The 13th August 3114 BC. must have had a special significance for the Central Americans have the beginning of the calendar cycle was not sure arbitrarily set to this date (12). Since there are no inscriptions from this ancient time, the Maya have some time on any stage have recalculated from or still know how much time had elapsed since then. Just as the Christian era, nor were their start at just any date, but the calendar began with the birth of Jesus. The Long Count of the Maya data available, indicating how much time since 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u has passed.
beginning, the Maya researchers disagree about the exact date, especially on the 13th August concerned. Depending on the calculation, it would also have the 11th or 12th August can be. 1905 chose John Goodman, who succeeded as the first, the data from the Maya to match up with our calendar for 11 August. Some twenty years later corrected the Mexican astronomer Juan Martinez Hernandez, the date on the 12th August. He was followed by the Englishman John Eric Thompson, who once nachbesserte and for 13 August decided. Since then, we speak in the art of the Goodman-Martinez-Thompson correlation.
puzzled but Thompson in 1935 the scientific community by claiming that the 11th August is still correct (10). But a few decades later, Floyd Lounsbury, and other researchers calculations again, this time using the Venus tables in the Dresden Codex. They could change the date again by 11 August added two days - and again on the 13th August came. This is called the correlation GMT +2 (13).
Unknown Event
The 13th August as part of the date that marks the beginning of the Mayan calendar, and the 13 August as a part of architectural planning - this can not be a coincidence! But what this day means for the Americans made it so important? So vitally important that they are good for 2000 years to line up buildings and entire cities after that?
you did this already about 1000 BC. in Cerros de las mesas, an Olmec city, which was designed so that the sun on 13 August, seen from the main axis of the site,, just went down over the distant Citlaltepetl.
building in Altun Ha, Becán, Caracol, Chichen Itza, Coba, Edzná, Izapa, Kabah and many other cities were - mostly with the front page - on this very point in the distance.
The temple of the five floors in Edzná: He looks to the front right to the point on the horizon where the sun each on 13 August goes
sketch of the city layout of Edzna with the astronomical and geometrical orientations
The Olmec city of La Venta, which was built according to strict geometrical astronomically oriented layout, several buildings in the city show exactly the sunset on 13 August, the towering in the distance Cerro Santa Marta. And in Monte Alban, it is the oldest building in the place that has this orientation.
The Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Xochicalco, Mexico, also on the 13th of the sunset August is aligned
Detail of the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Xochicalco
These are just some of many that are now identified as belonging to the 285 / 15 ° lines. Most likely, this specific architectural element began with the first Olmec - and Central America - City of all: San Lorenzo - and after a suddenly and inexplicable cultural leap from Stone Age farmers to high culture.
The lighter steps are already been achieved: recalculation of the Mayan calendar and correlation with our current calendar (which however is still not clearly and definitely is still controversial) and the discovery of the astronomical alignments at the 13th August. That with the 13 August is right, shows the enigmatic architectural element.
The hardest step is still to come. Now is the time to figure out what on 13 August 3114 BC. happened or why this date was so important for Central American nations.
So far we have nothing more than enigmatic hints in Mayan inscriptions on "three stones" that were placed in the sky, information about the arrival of gods and a divine assembly and similarly vague. The step to find out what the 13th August was so important, the worst will be. As this date is associated with "gods" and "Heaven" and the riddle will probably not be found without the Paleo-SETI research.
Edge of Heaven:
Mayan inscriptions on the 13th August 3114 BC.
The mythological memories of the Maya crystallize in central divine Events and precise named data, which they charged back into the past as well as for the future. Although passed by conquistadors and natural destruction, only a few historical sources of information about these important events, the result is still an interesting puzzle from that for the Paleo-SETI research picture.
outstanding Such events include the beginning and the end of the Mayan calendar cycle. About the end of the Mayan calendar cycle of 23 December 2012, we now know only a single text. Information on this monument are 6 in Tortuguero (Tabasco, Mexico), a Mayan city in the classical period, Palenque the west and at times under The Kings got their Hegemonialherrschaft.
sketch of the inscription on Monument 6 at Tortuguero, Mexico, by the descent of the god Bolon Yokte 23 reported in December 2012
mentioned on several inscriptions of the Maya but the beginning of the cycle, 13 August 3114 BC. (14):
stone mask from Rio Azul
The inscription on the back of a stone mask from the mid-classic Maya city of Rio Azul, Guatemala, is, probably the oldest source are to this date:
"An 4 Ahau reached the edge of the earth god Heaven,
the new three-stone place
GI Waybil God .... came to ...
six-sky-rulers in a cave (?) (Spring Square?) ...
U-Kab-ji sun god ... "
Can you understand the hieroglyphic text of the green stone mask from Rio Azul so that on the said date several beings at a certain place" arrived ", as the Maya "gods" were worshiped? Was this place in Mesoamerica, and he was the writer of Rio Azul yet known, as he called him by name?
back of a green stone mask from Rio Azul, Guatemala
In the Late Classic period of the Maya have survived several artifacts that make reference to that date.
Stele 1, Coba
Only 50 km from the Mayan coastal city of Tulum is located in the jungles of Yucatán, surrounded by lakes, Coba, which flourished between 300 - 1000 AD. had. Although Coba in 1891 rediscovered and began 1929 with the first excavations, is a systematic study of over 70 square miles of expanded city today.
Stela 1 is a stone monument, which is unfortunately very eroded. Recognizable but the date 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u with the text
"... as manifested (or arrived) K'o (j)-n 'a ...
and ended 13 Baktuns .. .
The rest of the text is unfortunately too damaged to decipher it still can.
stele 1 in Coba, Yucatán with inscription, the date contains
panel fragment
from the 7th century AD, has survived a panel fragment Refer to the following particulars:
"... on 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u first appeared Yak K'oj Ahk god Chak Ahau
9 Baktuns passed and then ..."
went the rest of the text, unfortunately either lost or is unreadable. So here is referred to the "appearance" of a god called Green Turtle mask.

panel fragment, 7 . Century AD, tells of the appearance of a god
In Palenque is pointed at two stone tablets on the start date of the calendar:
panel of the Cross, Palenque
On the "table of the cross" it says:
"An 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u, the end came from 13 Baktuns on ... the picture on
edge of the (published?) (?) heaven. ... God came down GI. " (15)
God GI is one of the Mayaisten with GI, GII and GIII abbreviated gods triad and is a son of the gods mother and the father of her children, God GI '(pronounced G-one-line). This placed the beginning of the present creation, the fourth time and space. Interestingly, not only the 13th August 3114 BC. is known exactly, but a whole series of other events, such as the 21 October 2360 BC., for "as touched GI 'the earth."
panel of the Cross, Palenque: above 13 August 3114 BC.
panel of the Sun, Palenque
The second indication for the 13th August is on the "Table of the Sun":
"... arrived ... at the edge of the sky at 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u ... (?)"
or translated Linda Schele and David Freidel, Maya, the two experts.
"... BC, after the beginning of the current eon on August 13, 3114, as it happened,
that on 23 July 690 GIII occurred in conjunction. "(15)

panel of the Sun, Palenque
Stele C, Quirigua
Quiriguá, located in Guatemala, impressed still with the best steles of Central America. About and the high stone blocks with baroque-style reliefs and hieroglyphs are covered. Every five to ten years, here is a new stela erected, towering up to about ten meters. in 775 AD. Stela C was set up, the most complete text offers. Although he was transferred by linguists in our language, he remains very rästelhaft.
A translation version is from Linda Schele.
" 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u appeared (the picture?)
three stones were placed
Jaguar paddlers and paddlers Stingray featured the stones ,
It happened on the first-five-sky-space,
jaguar throne stone, black and one red (?) placed the stone,
it happened on earth square, snake throne stone
and then it was that the stone was placed by Itzamna,
Wasserstein throne
it happened Lying in heaven, the first-three-stone place,
there were 13 completed Baktun,
Sky Lord erect sky looked so ... "
detail of the stela C from Quirigua on the date 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u
Stele C, Quirigua
Vase of the Seven Gods + Vase of the Eleven Gods Two polychrome ceramic mug is also from the Late Classic Maya, were found in the vicinity of Naranjo, Petén. recorded them as the "Vase of the Seven Gods" and "Vase of the Eleven Gods".
Vase of the Seven Gods
Vase of the Eleven Gods
colors painted on the scene that is represented on both vessels, sees many gods sit against a dark background. They look to God L, the Jaguars on a throne (inside a mountain?) Sits. Before the gods, a bundle is called "many-stars-earth." Both vases represent the same mythological scene that alludes to the date 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u, like what the hieroglyphic texts.
The names of the gods are a mystery and are likely one part of the tradition of the Maya and the other, the imagination of the Mayan vases interpretive researchers come. The divine names are:
black center-God, heaven place God, Earth God, tree-stag-god, Jaguar paddlers and Goddess Jaguar tail, one of these gods represents yet another God of the so-called Palenque-gods-triad (GI, GII, GIII).
But most interesting is undoubtedly among God
Bolon Yokte . Because this is precisely the God who, according to the inscription on the monument 6 of Tortuguero 23rd December 2012 come down again. From wherever.
Here, too, is about the show or the arrival of gods - just as in the other Mayan inscriptions.
Dresden Codex In one of the most famous illuminated manuscripts of the Maya, the "Dresden Codex, probably 1200-1250 - before the arrival of the first Europeans - was written off and back thus on much older sources, are found - Last but not least - two mysterious events that act on the date 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u. On page 61, and 69 of this Faltbuches see three different gods sitting on a serpent, within whose tail turns to figures that indicate the time until 13 August 3114 BC. passed, namely 34,000 years. The text is very puzzling because it is because that created the 20-day period and the 20-Baktuns period before 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u / shaped (?) were. But what if this is not a period, but by removing the speech? Of light years? By way of the gods to the earth?

Dresden Codex page 61
Dresden Codex page 69
On page 70 it is then: An 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u broke god Chak "saint foot," the God of the West and the God of East their journey.
Dresden Codes Page 70
The date is mentioned on further parts of the same Code, but they are too damaged or even more confusing, as you could see a purpose in it.
Considering all these inscriptions appear comparatively, it is the date / 4 Ahau 8 Kumk'u to be a event where it is about a journey by the gods or to their arrival. This was an arrival on our planet? Particularly striking: the presence of God Bolon Yokte BOTH in an inscription (Vase of the Eleven Gods), which refers to this date, but also his presence on an inscription (Tortuguero Monument 6), which is expected soon on the end of the Long Count cycle relates the Maya researchers for 23 have calculated December 2012. A God who is versatile in the two events which over 5000 Years apart would have been able to overcome space AND time. Landed on 13 August 3114 BC. Beings on the earth, which were worshiped as gods? Will return these "gods"?
(1) Aveni, Anthony: Possible Astronomical Orientations in Ancient Mesoamerica. In: Archaeoastronomy in Pre-Columbian America. Austin
1975 (2) Ricketson, OG: Astronomical Observations in the Maya area. In: Geography Review, No. 18, 1928
(3) Lothrop, SK: Oliver Garrison Ricketson, Jr., 1894-1952. In: American Antiquity, Vol 19, No. 1, July 1953
(4) Macgowan, K.: The Orientation of Middle American Sites. In: American Antiquity, Nr. 11, 1945
(5) Millon, René: The Teotihuacan Mapping Project. In: American Antiquity, Januar 1964
(6) Millon, René / Bruce Drewitt / G. L. Cowgill: Urbanization at Teotihuacan, Mexico. Vol. 1: The Teotihuacan Map. University of Texas Press, Austin 1973
(7) Hayden, Doris / Paul Gendrop: Pre-Columbian Architecture of Mesoamerica. New York 1976
(8) Hayden, Doris: An Interpretation of the Cave underneath the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico. In: American Antiquity, Vol. 40, Nr. 2, 1975
(9) Aveni, Anthony / H. Hartung / B. Buckingham: The Pecked Cross Symbol in Ancient Mesoamerica. In: Science, Vol. 202, Nr. 4365, Oktober 1978
(10) Malmström, Vincent H.: A Reconstruction of the Chronology of Mesoamerican Calendric Systems. In: Journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol. 9, 1978
(11) Malmström, Vincent H.: Cycles of the Sun, Mysteries of the Moon: The Calendar in Mesoamericn Civilization. Austin 1997
(12) Malmström, Vincent H.: Land of the Fifth Sun: Mexico in Space and Time. Hannover, New Hampshire 2002

Ancient Mail Verlag, Groß-Gerau 2007, ISBN 978-3-935910-44-6