"Now think again in peace, you are investing in promising companies and over a long period and the best thing. By investing a fixed monthly amount, you can work even with falling prices have advantages, since then more shares of our investment funds purchase! But consider again in peace! "
Usual blah on the edge of ignorance.
But we are at what has happened in terms of value to those Proceeds of trusting saver during the last eleven years (3.1.2000-31.12.2010). Assumed as a constant payment to month beginning on the purchase of fund shares.

removed in the graph is the direct comparison between the value of the up to that date, acquired fund shares and the risk-free savings (Blue: 0% Interest, red: 2.5% interest).
This means the red zero-percent line, that of equity funds is much the same as the risk-free savings account. If the graph above, the equity fund is an advantage, he is among them, the situation is reversed. Apparently it was
in the last eleven years, only a short period in which this investment strategy has paid off, between 2006 and 2008.
the moment is that savers who have invested in the funds held in the risk-free investment, about 30% less credit.
of savers had in January 2009, must return his shares, he would have 60% less than the passbook savers owned one. Means nothing other than that of savers would have burned each saved € 60 cents.
I want at this point not generally advise against this strategy because it can indeed appeared to be from time to succeed and the value may even out to recover quickly. But it needs a closer look at the situation, enough patience and perseverance. can
And a little more expertise than the friendly consultants themselves have a will.
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