Babette man once (1961 in Hamburg) is a German television presenter.

The daughter of a British interior designer and a German doctor man once raised Babette bilingual. After graduation in 1980, a French diploma, an apprenticeship as a clerk at the Ernst Theatre German Theatre in Hamburg and the Study of Journalism in Munich from 1985 to 1989 she has worked since 1987 mainly for ZDF as a moderator. Among other things, it hosted the Knoff-Hoff-Show.

She currently presents for ZDF Germany is the hub and where, according to the station "as the face of the mission." In addition, the mother of a daughter is also involved in the Foundation bears heart, a foundation for severely ill children.

During her pregnancy Babette Once man in moderating the hub suffered on 14 June 2001 on camera circulatory collapse and fell to the ground unconscious. Fortunately, her interviewer, a doctor, who took the initial treatment. After a short break, the show was hosted by the recording head to an end.

On 18 March 2005 announced that once man Babette the German meta-search engine Apollo7 had successfully sued in the first instance (LG Berlin, Judgement of 22 February 2005, case no 27 O 45/05, not final).

Apollo7 had refused a warning out to suppress nude at entering the three search words Babette Once man those entries in the list of matches that were suited, personality-law and bring falsely the impression that it actually existed naked photos of TV presenter to see the Internet, on which it is naked.

Apollo7 justified the refusal to the fact that the result was not reproducible and was unconfirmed usable evidence it was ever produced. Moreover, it is practically impossible to selectively suppress any possibly illegal personality issues, for example, with queries such as could be "XY naked" provoked, without letting the machine useless.

The Berlin District Court assumed that the relevant result Babette Once man naked had arisen and stated that the fact that a particular entry is not a time displayed in the hit list, could be evidence of this , this entry would not appear at a later date because of activities of the operator of the website, the search engine whose results are recorded, or because of changes in the programming of meta search again in the results list.

The search engine would have to reprogram its software that relevant search results are excluded.

Although the lawyers portal aufrecht.de, which had published the verdict on the Internet, subsequently undertook a anonymity in the judging reproduction in Babette E., enough for the time period between a notification of the verdict in the Heise news ticker and the anonymity, the behalf of the applicant are known to be.

Moreover, the anonymous on the part of the court making the decision at JurPC the clear name, see the presenter a screenshot.

Of the operators of Apollo7 was lodged against the verdict (Berlin Court of Appeals, case no 9 U 55/05).

of a judgment 10th February 2006 raised the Supreme Court under the Az 9 U 55/05 to now the first-instance verdict. The Appeal Court agreed this in full to the views of the search engine company Apollo7. A search result that is not reproducible can not be removed, blocked or filtered.

An appeal is not allowed.

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