Granted, sexy German babe Michelle Hunziker it was a bit difficult to coexist with Thomas Gottschalk. For the veteran German television entertainment is already quite dominant. But the fresh nature of the Swiss came to our reader survey on their bets ", dass ..?"- Premiere quite good at it. However, there is still much growth potential.

Sun all agree, however, readers still not sure if Michelle Hunziker enough fresh air in "Wetten, dass ..?" Position. More than 30 percent of our readers, the 32-year-old blonde even found great and see in it a real asset. 21 percent probably need more visual aids. They judged on the appearance of the blonde, "Well, did so". 25 percent found that the rejuvenation had failed to show by the ex-model.

has prove so for about a third of Michelle Hunziger as the necessary boost for the show, remains a most skeptical. Maybe it was because Thomas Gottschalk is pretty dominant. Although he cuddled extensively beginning with his new assistant, but later had the mother of a daughter hard to speak out.

The Star-host talks attractive and easy - and dropped his beautiful colleague, often times in the word and was always very present. She giggled then just out of the scrape. Now you have Michelle Hunziker for the next Programs learn to assert themselves against the talk show host. She has enough charm.

The ratings for the show were impressive: Approximately 11.29 million viewers have followed on Saturday, the ZDF broadcast from Freiburg. This corresponds to the Sender a market share of 37.8 percent. They succeeded Thomas Gottschalk and his new co-anchor to stop the downward trend in viewing figures.

The summer special had to "bet" in June from Mallorca pursued only 9.29 million viewers. The last show in March was only a market share of 30.6 percent.

Michelle Hunziker is not Thomas Gottschalk's co-presenter, but what was formerly called "Muse". Nevertheless, it is not only sexy, but tough.

to be a man is not always easy. Thomas Schuster, a small man with large mustache, sits on the eve of his big TV appearance on ZDF in Hall 2 to flirt at the edge of Freiburg and tried. The game developers from Sulmingen holding a pink rubber boots in his hands and to sniff out what the young lady is one thing. 23 women have just 20 minutes Aerobics in boots made. The smell now.

sitting side Schuster was a woman, half a head taller than he legs with long blond hair and very long. She puts her hand on his shoulder. "If you want, I say nothing, Thomas." Thomas Schuster sliding around on his stool. "Nope," he says hoarsely. "You've got 'a sweet voice." Then he puts his red head back in the pink boots and makes movements that are going to look like he smell of an expensive wine. Sexy babe Michelle Hunziker laughs. "The Thomas!" she says, while the few samples audience forgave their faces. "Before we kiss the same, but you have to neutralize your breath, Thomas." The man nearly falls off his chair.

The next day, her big day, sitting Michelle Hunziker in a bare meeting room of a hotel next to Freiburg main station and laughs. The heavy brown wooden door is still closed, but you can hear the woman behind it up on the course. When the door opens, finally, the 32-year-old still laughing, just like the three journalists from Switzerland, who brought her compatriot chocolates from Zurich and say goodbye to three smacking kisses from her cheeks. Since Swiss for many things, but not known for their warmth, it is probably the national pride.

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