The Return of the Prodigal Son ...
... to the richly gifted the Lord's table we will not celebrate here. Nevertheless, like many of his shoot out in the last blog entry over the top. It is believed, however, generally not a little, especially the just described.
precaution I have worked at least 10 minutes last month for the church when I first (and last) church tax payment ever charge you with my hourly wage. Pah.
there already no longer drain, then at least this is my battered Karma improve. Quid pro quo, quasi.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Mhz Frequencies Of All Indian Channels
The injustice and the church
It was only yesterday when I was sitting in a train and railed desert on the Constitutional Court, which stands out in my eyes, in no small part by arbitrariness and injustice. Only show no evidence, I could not quite yesterday.
pondered So I pondered and. And I finally remembered.
summary, and partially from the pages of the daily review of 09.23.2010 (
"After Schüth had separated from his wife and was told the church, that he with a new wife and the common child lived, the bishop diocesan food looked claims to no other option but to him in 1997 to declare termination. "
far, so good to say, man.
Catholic Church stop. That church, from which one always has the impression that she wants to convince people and give arguments for a quick leaving the church the procrastinators in the hand
consolation perhaps unique, is that the Catholic Church no offspring and therefore -. it God does he want (and for this I would pray actually do ) - to bring in the course of time itself into the grave and the earth will
not only in the ground. but even here, so this could end the injustice and awakened justice.
could. Hah! Laughed at the end no one has.
The evening news continues:
"church musician Schüth preferred the Essenes Labour Court, which rejected the dismissal, first as illegal The diocese then went in appeal before the Regional Labour Court Dusseldorf, which was the dismissal to be legal Schüth complained in return prior to.. Federal Labour Court, lost -. so they turned to the Federal Constitutional Court, where he was dismissed on the grounds that the autonomy of the churches would be protected and also applies to their employment contracts. "
Puh. Now we stand there. Well done, Supreme Court!
Fast facts summarized speak of hearing the church constitution judges, which the brain is kindled fegefeuernd despite ecclesiastical indulgences: "Well, too bad, but we are not responsible, is church thing."
Yes, says me, Whats wrong?
Since concluded a contract in Germany, lived in Germany, worked in Germany and you are not competent? Hello Untermaßverbot? Hello barriers barriers? Hello protection of marriage and family (also the second marriage)?
But instead of Jesus can hang upside down just to Fridays, this is not the last word.
Constitutional Court judges are only ... (Well, interesting I guess, that "soldiers are murderers" was also a big thing, so just forget it) reports
The evening news continues thus:
"It is now in Strasbourg by Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the right to privacy protection. "
"The European Court of Human Rights has condemned the dismissal of an organist because of an extramarital relationship with the Catholic Church in Germany as illegal. Germany had failed to fulfill the basic right to protection of private life, was the Strasbourg court .
What a slap in the face!
almost tempted to grin mischievously, when everything was not so sad. Failure across the board! One might almost call the constitutional judges, "You are everything but unworldly Spast! One might almost say to the pope and our bishops, "Go die, but simple!
But only almost, because first you say something do not wish to second, third, and not something you do not really believe in freedom of expression, which it somehow and also its limits. And they always do where they just need the judges. So quickly backtracked.
European case law as a safeguard against constitutional blindness. As a sword of humanism. The last beacon of enlightenment. How dull but the swords in Germany, lulled by angels But Kirch and fogged by the incense of the do-gooders. Pah. Laughed at the end no one has.
Almost one wonders where this bitterness in the course of the letter came from. But only almost. Nothing but the stillbirth of my second proposal to the list of fascinating ideas:
justice from reason. Reason of obviousness. So trivial, contradiction and complete.
It was only yesterday when I was sitting in a train and railed desert on the Constitutional Court, which stands out in my eyes, in no small part by arbitrariness and injustice. Only show no evidence, I could not quite yesterday.
pondered So I pondered and. And I finally remembered.
summary, and partially from the pages of the daily review of 09.23.2010 (
"After Schüth had separated from his wife and was told the church, that he with a new wife and the common child lived, the bishop diocesan food looked claims to no other option but to him in 1997 to declare termination. "
far, so good to say, man.
Catholic Church stop. That church, from which one always has the impression that she wants to convince people and give arguments for a quick leaving the church the procrastinators in the hand
consolation perhaps unique, is that the Catholic Church no offspring and therefore -. it God does he want (and for this I would pray actually do ) - to bring in the course of time itself into the grave and the earth will
not only in the ground. but even here, so this could end the injustice and awakened justice.
could. Hah! Laughed at the end no one has.
The evening news continues:
"church musician Schüth preferred the Essenes Labour Court, which rejected the dismissal, first as illegal The diocese then went in appeal before the Regional Labour Court Dusseldorf, which was the dismissal to be legal Schüth complained in return prior to.. Federal Labour Court, lost -. so they turned to the Federal Constitutional Court, where he was dismissed on the grounds that the autonomy of the churches would be protected and also applies to their employment contracts. "
Puh. Now we stand there. Well done, Supreme Court!
Fast facts summarized speak of hearing the church constitution judges, which the brain is kindled fegefeuernd despite ecclesiastical indulgences: "Well, too bad, but we are not responsible, is church thing."
Yes, says me, Whats wrong?
Since concluded a contract in Germany, lived in Germany, worked in Germany and you are not competent? Hello Untermaßverbot? Hello barriers barriers? Hello protection of marriage and family (also the second marriage)?
But instead of Jesus can hang upside down just to Fridays, this is not the last word.
Constitutional Court judges are only ... (Well, interesting I guess, that "soldiers are murderers" was also a big thing, so just forget it) reports
The evening news continues thus:
"It is now in Strasbourg by Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the right to privacy protection. "
"The European Court of Human Rights has condemned the dismissal of an organist because of an extramarital relationship with the Catholic Church in Germany as illegal. Germany had failed to fulfill the basic right to protection of private life, was the Strasbourg court .
What a slap in the face!
almost tempted to grin mischievously, when everything was not so sad. Failure across the board! One might almost call the constitutional judges, "You are everything but unworldly Spast! One might almost say to the pope and our bishops, "Go die, but simple!
But only almost, because first you say something do not wish to second, third, and not something you do not really believe in freedom of expression, which it somehow and also its limits. And they always do where they just need the judges. So quickly backtracked.
European case law as a safeguard against constitutional blindness. As a sword of humanism. The last beacon of enlightenment. How dull but the swords in Germany, lulled by angels But Kirch and fogged by the incense of the do-gooders. Pah. Laughed at the end no one has.
Almost one wonders where this bitterness in the course of the letter came from. But only almost. Nothing but the stillbirth of my second proposal to the list of fascinating ideas:
justice from reason. Reason of obviousness. So trivial, contradiction and complete.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Posterior Prolapse Discs
Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel oktoberfest ZDF television garden @ German Babes
ZDF television special garden with Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel Oktoberfest 2010 on 09/26/2010 at ZDF ZDF television special garden for the Oktoberfest 2010 on 09/26/2010 at ZDF.
Also this Sunday there is live from 11:00 clock back on ZDF ZDF television garden from Mainz on TV and in the online stream at This time the TV garden is a symbol of the Oktoberfest 2010 in Munich.
point is 11:00 clock today O'zapft is on the Lerchenberg. This is today at the 200th been anniversary of the Oktoberfest beer garden in a blue-white converts. Of course, German babe Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel again many celebrities as guests, so there is now Joey Kelly, Lisa Fitz, Gülcan Kamps, Jumbo Schreiner, Armin Meier and Ross Alfons Beck honor.
Oktoberfest Many funny games are waiting for the celebrities, so they can relax in the Hau den Lukas, rolling bales of straw, felt hat make bowls, milking competition, Oktoberfest course and other games to the test. Also, there are fashionable again this Sunday what to report, so Lola Paltinger will present her charming Dirndl collection.
For the musical entertainment at Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel will make Hansi Hinterseer, the Randfichten, Trenkwalder and Isartaler witches.
So do not miss this morning of course the clock at 11:00 ZDF television garden with Andrea Kiewel on ZDF on TV or in the free online stream on the website of the ZDF.
The Autumn Show Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel presents music live from the Palace Hotel in Appiano basket in the beautiful South Tyrol. The television station ZDF Live 11 bis 13 clock clock the second part with "The Herb Show", see also here.
In the final part of the autumn show, the presenter Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel today their guests in the romantic ambience of the Castle Hotel in basket Eppan Welcome to the Wine Road.
Guests include invited Collien Fernandes, Uwe Hübner, star chef Alfons Beck, Chris Roberts and Eva Lechner, the Italian champion in mountain biking.
provide musical entertainment for example: Lou Bega, Claudia Jung, Andrew Carrington, the siblings Hofmann, the Herbert Pixner Project, Kastelruther Spatzen, Timothy James.
Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel (June 10, 1965 in Berlin as Andrea Mathyssek) is a German television presenter.
Andrea Kiewel was a student of child and youth sports school (KJS) "Werner Seelenbinder" in Berlin-Alt-Hohenschönhausen and in the 1980s, a member of the youth swim team in the GDR.
Spartakiade was 1979 champion with the 4x100 medley relay of the SC Dynamo Berlin. A year later she won the freestyle relay team third in the East German championships, 1981 Second, as with the medley relay. In 1982 she won the freestyle relay and the track was the medley relay again in second. Their best individual result was the sixth rank over 50 m freestyle.
From the mid-1980s Andrea Kiewel in Berlin, studied at the Teacher Training Institute "Clara Zetkin," the specialist school teachers / sports. From 1988 to 1991 she worked as a teacher levels (primary school) in Berlin-Hellersdorf.
Andrea 'Kiwi' s career as a presenter Kiewel began in 1991, in the last months of the surviving German Television. After the dissolution of the transmitter it was initially for the Berlin station FAB (Fernsehen aus Berlin) and later for the CRC and subsequently B1 freelance.
From 1993 to 2000 she was moderator of the Sat.1 breakfast television. In 1997 Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel moderated temporarily the esoteric talk show on the X to same group of companies owned station Pro Sieben.
From 2000 moderated Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel the ZDF television garden, and counting out her former ZDF TV show every second. From 2007 she led with Jan Hofer and friendliness saves money by the talk show Riverboat in MDR.
From mid-2009 Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel moderated the private broadcaster RTL, the show set in August 2010 Objection! The show of errors of law in which they asked the lawyer Ralf Höcker on legal issues.
In 2007, she hosted the award of the Media Award and 2009 Golden hen was him in the category of "Reader's Choice Award Presentation" award. In 2010, she hosted for ZDF, the autumn show.
In December 2007, allegations were raised Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel had misused the platform of ZDF, to run paid product placement for Weight Watchers.
Kiewel admitted then to have denied a contractual relationship with the supplier of slimming courses in the show Johannes B. Kerner untruthfully.
contained According to news magazine Der Spiegel, the agreement, in addition to an annual base salary in the amount of 180,000 DM a further Payments of DM 15,000 for photo shoots, and "Air Travel First Class" and "stay in first class hotels."
ZDF and MDR gave shortly after the end of 2007 known to terminate the contract with Andrea Kiewel .
On 22 October 2008 Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel was the first time at the ZDF as a Good to know of six celebrities in the quiz show on where donations were collected for the World Hunger Relief.
At 31 December 2008, she chaired the ZDF Hitparty 2008 and again since 2009 the television garden. In 2010 Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel was against the backdrop of allegations of product placement compared with the television theme garden again in the media.
Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel is the author of Mom, you're not the determiner, published by Herder Verlag in September 2006 and since 2005, columnist for the magazine Super Illu.
long seven years moderated Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel the "Television Garden", a bizarre mix of federal garden show and musical sorts. Always a little breathless, always happy to be a track to look authentic. For when she laughs, laugh with her eyes not. But for her core audience, it is the always cheerful girl from the East.
because the former competitive swimmer in the GDR is also the national team - without batting an eyelid - the point where it hurts. She jumps off the air ever into the water with clothes. Oops. But they especially love her male fans.
Andrea Kiewel has two in 1986, and 2001-born sons. Kiewel married before age of 19, at 34 she entered her second marriage. On 11 December 2004, she married her third husband, the director Theo Naumann, whom she had met in 1993 in Petzow. In November 2007 the couple separated. Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel lives in Seeheim-Jugenheim.

ZDF television special garden with Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel Oktoberfest 2010 on 09/26/2010 at ZDF ZDF television special garden for the Oktoberfest 2010 on 09/26/2010 at ZDF.

Also this Sunday there is live from 11:00 clock back on ZDF ZDF television garden from Mainz on TV and in the online stream at This time the TV garden is a symbol of the Oktoberfest 2010 in Munich.

point is 11:00 clock today O'zapft is on the Lerchenberg. This is today at the 200th been anniversary of the Oktoberfest beer garden in a blue-white converts. Of course, German babe Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel again many celebrities as guests, so there is now Joey Kelly, Lisa Fitz, Gülcan Kamps, Jumbo Schreiner, Armin Meier and Ross Alfons Beck honor.

Oktoberfest Many funny games are waiting for the celebrities, so they can relax in the Hau den Lukas, rolling bales of straw, felt hat make bowls, milking competition, Oktoberfest course and other games to the test. Also, there are fashionable again this Sunday what to report, so Lola Paltinger will present her charming Dirndl collection.

For the musical entertainment at Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel will make Hansi Hinterseer, the Randfichten, Trenkwalder and Isartaler witches.

So do not miss this morning of course the clock at 11:00 ZDF television garden with Andrea Kiewel on ZDF on TV or in the free online stream on the website of the ZDF.

The Autumn Show Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel presents music live from the Palace Hotel in Appiano basket in the beautiful South Tyrol. The television station ZDF Live 11 bis 13 clock clock the second part with "The Herb Show", see also here.

In the final part of the autumn show, the presenter Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel today their guests in the romantic ambience of the Castle Hotel in basket Eppan Welcome to the Wine Road.

Guests include invited Collien Fernandes, Uwe Hübner, star chef Alfons Beck, Chris Roberts and Eva Lechner, the Italian champion in mountain biking.

provide musical entertainment for example: Lou Bega, Claudia Jung, Andrew Carrington, the siblings Hofmann, the Herbert Pixner Project, Kastelruther Spatzen, Timothy James.

Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel (June 10, 1965 in Berlin as Andrea Mathyssek) is a German television presenter.

Andrea Kiewel was a student of child and youth sports school (KJS) "Werner Seelenbinder" in Berlin-Alt-Hohenschönhausen and in the 1980s, a member of the youth swim team in the GDR.

Spartakiade was 1979 champion with the 4x100 medley relay of the SC Dynamo Berlin. A year later she won the freestyle relay team third in the East German championships, 1981 Second, as with the medley relay. In 1982 she won the freestyle relay and the track was the medley relay again in second. Their best individual result was the sixth rank over 50 m freestyle.

From the mid-1980s Andrea Kiewel in Berlin, studied at the Teacher Training Institute "Clara Zetkin," the specialist school teachers / sports. From 1988 to 1991 she worked as a teacher levels (primary school) in Berlin-Hellersdorf.

Andrea 'Kiwi' s career as a presenter Kiewel began in 1991, in the last months of the surviving German Television. After the dissolution of the transmitter it was initially for the Berlin station FAB (Fernsehen aus Berlin) and later for the CRC and subsequently B1 freelance.

From 1993 to 2000 she was moderator of the Sat.1 breakfast television. In 1997 Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel moderated temporarily the esoteric talk show on the X to same group of companies owned station Pro Sieben.

From 2000 moderated Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel the ZDF television garden, and counting out her former ZDF TV show every second. From 2007 she led with Jan Hofer and friendliness saves money by the talk show Riverboat in MDR.

From mid-2009 Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel moderated the private broadcaster RTL, the show set in August 2010 Objection! The show of errors of law in which they asked the lawyer Ralf Höcker on legal issues.

In 2007, she hosted the award of the Media Award and 2009 Golden hen was him in the category of "Reader's Choice Award Presentation" award. In 2010, she hosted for ZDF, the autumn show.

In December 2007, allegations were raised Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel had misused the platform of ZDF, to run paid product placement for Weight Watchers.

Kiewel admitted then to have denied a contractual relationship with the supplier of slimming courses in the show Johannes B. Kerner untruthfully.

contained According to news magazine Der Spiegel, the agreement, in addition to an annual base salary in the amount of 180,000 DM a further Payments of DM 15,000 for photo shoots, and "Air Travel First Class" and "stay in first class hotels."
ZDF and MDR gave shortly after the end of 2007 known to terminate the contract with Andrea Kiewel .

On 22 October 2008 Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel was the first time at the ZDF as a Good to know of six celebrities in the quiz show on where donations were collected for the World Hunger Relief.

At 31 December 2008, she chaired the ZDF Hitparty 2008 and again since 2009 the television garden. In 2010 Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel was against the backdrop of allegations of product placement compared with the television theme garden again in the media.

Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel is the author of Mom, you're not the determiner, published by Herder Verlag in September 2006 and since 2005, columnist for the magazine Super Illu.

long seven years moderated Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel the "Television Garden", a bizarre mix of federal garden show and musical sorts. Always a little breathless, always happy to be a track to look authentic. For when she laughs, laugh with her eyes not. But for her core audience, it is the always cheerful girl from the East.

because the former competitive swimmer in the GDR is also the national team - without batting an eyelid - the point where it hurts. She jumps off the air ever into the water with clothes. Oops. But they especially love her male fans.

Andrea Kiewel has two in 1986, and 2001-born sons. Kiewel married before age of 19, at 34 she entered her second marriage. On 11 December 2004, she married her third husband, the director Theo Naumann, whom she had met in 1993 in Petzow. In November 2007 the couple separated. Andrea 'Kiwi' Kiewel lives in Seeheim-Jugenheim.

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