The injustice and the church
It was only yesterday when I was sitting in a train and railed desert on the Constitutional Court, which stands out in my eyes, in no small part by arbitrariness and injustice. Only show no evidence, I could not quite yesterday.
pondered So I pondered and. And I finally remembered.
summary, and partially from the pages of the daily review of 09.23.2010 (
"After Schüth had separated from his wife and was told the church, that he with a new wife and the common child lived, the bishop diocesan food looked claims to no other option but to him in 1997 to declare termination. "
far, so good to say, man.
Catholic Church stop. That church, from which one always has the impression that she wants to convince people and give arguments for a quick leaving the church the procrastinators in the hand
consolation perhaps unique, is that the Catholic Church no offspring and therefore -. it God does he want (and for this I would pray actually do ) - to bring in the course of time itself into the grave and the earth will
not only in the ground. but even here, so this could end the injustice and awakened justice.
could. Hah! Laughed at the end no one has.
The evening news continues:
"church musician Schüth preferred the Essenes Labour Court, which rejected the dismissal, first as illegal The diocese then went in appeal before the Regional Labour Court Dusseldorf, which was the dismissal to be legal Schüth complained in return prior to.. Federal Labour Court, lost -. so they turned to the Federal Constitutional Court, where he was dismissed on the grounds that the autonomy of the churches would be protected and also applies to their employment contracts. "
Puh. Now we stand there. Well done, Supreme Court!
Fast facts summarized speak of hearing the church constitution judges, which the brain is kindled fegefeuernd despite ecclesiastical indulgences: "Well, too bad, but we are not responsible, is church thing."
Yes, says me, Whats wrong?
Since concluded a contract in Germany, lived in Germany, worked in Germany and you are not competent? Hello Untermaßverbot? Hello barriers barriers? Hello protection of marriage and family (also the second marriage)?
But instead of Jesus can hang upside down just to Fridays, this is not the last word.
Constitutional Court judges are only ... (Well, interesting I guess, that "soldiers are murderers" was also a big thing, so just forget it) reports
The evening news continues thus:
"It is now in Strasbourg by Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the right to privacy protection. "
"The European Court of Human Rights has condemned the dismissal of an organist because of an extramarital relationship with the Catholic Church in Germany as illegal. Germany had failed to fulfill the basic right to protection of private life, was the Strasbourg court .
What a slap in the face!
almost tempted to grin mischievously, when everything was not so sad. Failure across the board! One might almost call the constitutional judges, "You are everything but unworldly Spast! One might almost say to the pope and our bishops, "Go die, but simple!
But only almost, because first you say something do not wish to second, third, and not something you do not really believe in freedom of expression, which it somehow and also its limits. And they always do where they just need the judges. So quickly backtracked.
European case law as a safeguard against constitutional blindness. As a sword of humanism. The last beacon of enlightenment. How dull but the swords in Germany, lulled by angels But Kirch and fogged by the incense of the do-gooders. Pah. Laughed at the end no one has.
Almost one wonders where this bitterness in the course of the letter came from. But only almost. Nothing but the stillbirth of my second proposal to the list of fascinating ideas:
justice from reason. Reason of obviousness. So trivial, contradiction and complete.
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