Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tomato Vegetable Smoothie

The sacred bundle

Gisela Ermel
Paper presented at the one-day meeting of the AAS (Research Institute for Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI) in Berlin, October 2000

One of the most interesting cultural objects of the ancient Mexican history from before the English conquest, the so-called Holy bundle mostly played a role in the migrations of Indian tribes. These walks are a clear parallel to the 40-year desert trek of the people Israel with the ark.

The sacred bundles of the Aztecs and its role in migration has been mentioned within the Paleo-SETI research already. Less well known is that the cult of saints bundle in North America was spread over wide areas. This item in the focus of cults, both in Central America and in North America this tradition going back to a common basis, with no fixed origin and direction of propagation of the cult to this day.

The ancient sources and illuminated manuscripts provide a picture of the sacred bundle, which makes the subject very interesting for our paleo-SETI research.

The begins with the evidence from these sources about the origin of the object. More generally, these saints bundle, of which there are presumably many have been given must be returned to the mythical times when she stayed so-called gods on earth and it was related between heaven and earth.

see the Codex Zouche-Nuttall we are in a scene above the sky world. On a star path (which is not interpreted by me personally so, but from various Ancient American) people come down, and down the border ends is one who carries a sacred bundle on his back.

scene from the Codex Zouche-Nuttall: right above a location in heaven, from the reduced descend down four Sky Lords on the earth, the sky Lord in the second row from the bottom on the right edge with the back of a sacred bundle

Another side of the same Code once again shows that Stern path lies at the end of the earth can outlet already a sacred bundle.

page of the Codex Zouche-Nuttall: above the lowest scene you see on the left side of a sacred bundle in front of the sky descending Sky Lords are

Also in the Seldenrolle seen coming down a bundle support a star path .

Codex Vindobonensis shows very impressively how Sky Lord Nine Wind - possibly identical with the god Quetzalcoatl - from heaven to earth descend along a rope feathered. Provided he is famous with his wind screen. Interesting for our subject, however, this detail is that the top of the sky are tiny structures shown, and in one of them is a sacred bundle. In this scene sits Sky Lord Nine Wind, nor between two gods, around him the furnishings for his journey to Earth.

scene of the Codex Vindobonensis: above a location in the sky, Sky Lord Nine Wind seated between two gods, to him around the equipment and furnishings for his journey to Earth

In the North American Pawnee Indians were the transferors star gods of the holy and mysterious - and as we will hear even dangerous - items. Otherwise want to know the descendants of the Omaha Indians, that had once been given to one of their ancestors, such a sacred bundle of a supernatural being. In the Winnebago will get to have brought the sacred bundle of a "thunder bird".

The author of the English "Leyenda de los soles," which was written around 1560 and processed information from the old Mexican migrant bundle wrote about two star demons that once came down from heaven, in women, "transformed" and resumed contact with the Indians. Left her a sacred bundle, before they disappeared again.

That these items to their place of origin were hardly in short supply, has an interesting myth of the Iowa Indians. One of its most important traditions relating to the acquisition of their holy bundle. Two boys who had been born to "miraculously" were once worn by the inhabitants of heaven in a higher world. There they were shown various types of sacred bundles, all the shelves and walls of the space covered, in which the two boys then some time have been informed. Among these numerous bundles was also the prototype of the bundle, the Iowa used until the collapse of their culture and preserved. By the way, the two boys should be only one returned to Earth.

old text sources let us know that the Holy bundle might come from the sky (whatever you have understood at the time, even under the "sky" or the heavens), or the people of heaven being given or after the start of walks data were found. The foreign origin of this enigmatic object is everywhere identical statement, as is the Behauputung that these saints Bundle played a prominent role in the forced and of gods commanded and guided walks of the tribes.

The most interesting of the Paleo-SETI research aspect of this mysterious object is the fact that the subject could provide voice! Again and again emphasize the old chroniclers and texts, the holy bundle was during the long hikes to the bundle-makers and others spoke, it was determined the direction and instructions given, which were followed.

Sun Fray Sahagun writes in his "Historia de la Nueva Espana": the divine image - the sacred bundle - spoke without ceasing to them and told them what they had to do. "

As this speaking subject in the old manuscripts was presented? Here first is a representation of a person speaking. You can see very clearly the so-called Sprachvolute at the mouth, which the talking figuratively should show

scene from an illuminated manuscript. the right person with Sprachvolute

is impressive the first scene of the Codex Boturini that represents the start of the hiking here is waiting for the over of the original home of Aztlan. the water be translated Aztecs in a cave the talking holy bundle. You can see very clearly the Sprachvoluten up to the cave also spread.

opening scene of the Codex Boturini: waiting in a cave on the loswandernden Aztec-speaking Holy bundle

Another scene shows a bundle carrier, and from the worn on the back of Holy bundle flow Sprachvoluten it " speaks "!

scene of the Codex Boturini: before the walk heads of the bundle carrier proceeds with the talking holy bundle on his back

shows a different representation of a scene while the Codex Hike: This is apparently held by the Holy bundle dialogue. With whom?

Codex Boturini: Communing with the Holy bundle

In the Codex Borgia is shown a talking bundle. It is this standing in the temple and apparently radiating in all directions language bundle plays an important role in a fantastic story in pictures, which I will be saying more.

Codex Borgia: in front of a temple or a sacred bundle, which emits in all directional changes Sprachvoluten

The Blackfeet Indians still remember very well that this subject could only speak, thanks to a mysterious "power", an invisible from the outside source of energy in the interior of the bundle, so the words of a supernatural being transferred. They called their sacred bundles "chuharipiru, wrapped from chuhuru = = ripiru thunderstorms. In any case, the name was referred to an article that included a dangerous power in itself.

thought the same also the Omaha Indians, the bundle of their ancestors with a mysterious force equipped, which is the same "dirty" and "dangerous." The Omaha knew that in the interior of the Holy bundle something like a sacred shell was that was never allowed to touch the earth, as it would have otherwise caused a terrible heat. Only the owner of the bundle was inaugurated to deal with him without it has suffered. Therefore believed the owner or keeper of the bundle, that if he strictly an error in committing ritual to be followed, he would be taken by the invisible force in the bundle.

I found in one of the ancient Mixtec codices, the Codex Borgia, a series of scenes that could just show in an accident with an improperly handled bundle, my - that is our präastronautische - appears interpretation as logical and possible, as the few that rather helpless Attempts at interpretation of American Studies. We see two men or priests, covered with the attributes of the gods Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl, the obvious steal in one night and fog action a talking bundle from the temple. You drag it into the open and carry it past a ball court and two fenced areas to see at the walking track.

Codex Borgia: Two priests steal from a temple a talking sacred bundle: the top, the object Sprachvoluten is steel frame, even in the temple, one sees more screaming, the two men, shown by the foot track

Then she opened it obvious, as we see huge beams from opened bundles radiate in all directions and a column of smoke, apparently it blows one of the two men (he tumbles almost the first two pictures manuscript pages later in the "pillar of smoke" out) .

Codex Borgia: the opened Holy bundle

Here is a breakdown shown, an accident caused by the improper or unauthorized opening of a dangerous, complicated technical device? This interpretation seems to me at any rate much more plausible than the Interpretation of professionals such as Eduard Seler: This is the ash bundles of the evening star, in the drive into the wind from Tamoanchan, which the star again from the ashes arises! According to Nowotny was here, and that sounds quite reasonable, impressively represented the energy that was stored in the bundle. But with his subsequent comments, I personally can start little: it escape the bundle nine smoke snakes with the beak mask of Quetzalcoatl, the biggest smoke snake contains all sorts of cultural objects and animals, Quetzalcoatl was in her illustrated swim and emerge from it two pages later. Sounds better as even the interpretation of Ferdinand Anders: From the open Bundles are powerful forces free, nine dark swirling wind up snakes, vertical column of smoke rises that grips a man.

wanted to represent the unknown painters here the destruction, the havoc the open bundle? here is a kind of explosion is presented?

we notice here also like the parallel with the ark of the Israelites, a subject which has been so dragged along as well as the holy bundle on a long, mandatory hike, the commands of a God sent and with the later accidents were, in which even people were wounded.

remember no different the various Indian tribes in the Southwestern United States today as the Hopi, Zuni, Shoshone, Pima, etc., that the sacred bundle was a dangerous and invisible content.

If we minutely examined, it does actually more evidence that dealing with this apparently, improper handling dangerous object was not always like fail. An episode in the history of Aztec works of Don Diego de Chimalpahin is most evident. Here are the Olmeca Xicalanca (not to be confused with the much earlier Olmecs) as the owner of a saint bundle described and described as' the holder of the rain magic "because the ancient sources, the Holy bundle also as a weather control device with which one could conjure water or let it rain. So when one day, so Chimalpahin that Totollimpaneca a city of Olmeca Xicalanca conquered shot them during the fight with arrows on the "magic water cooler" and destroyed so that its function. Then a dangerous invisible magic had gone out of the city, which interacts with people who approached the city. Chimalpahin writes: "And if they wanted to approach her, she died instantly, did not return to where they lived, but if they could reverse it, it finally died somewhere along the way, but even if they have arrived home safely , then died them before the day was over. "Was there an incident with a broken bundle that was carried to the gates of the city and sent out a deadly radiation?

sum up again. attended Holy bundle the individual strains in to by Unknown prescribed walks, where the bundle was used as a communication device and audible language, the commands and instructions of a divine being passed on. These saints bundle held a in them are hidden and incomprehensible source of energy that was dangerous and improper handling of margins, led accidents or disasters.
A third aspect was already suggested: the ancient sources claim that the Holy bundle also have to exercise a kind of weather it could control or water, "Conjure". There are reports, which is described in that tribes that came to a bundle owners already populated place, had to identify themselves by more than settlers by proved that they could produce with their bundles brought rain. The Zuni Indians remember in this connection breaks down at a place where different clans arrived in succession and had been included because they made bundles by rain, met a another clan, they wanted to reject the first, because the bundle instead of rain accidentally dropped snow left!
I found some illustrations in manuscripts that may be interpreted in this context. An example: The Seldenrolle shows a scene within the tour, where a sacred bundles is to look directly next to flowing water. A reasonable interpretation of this scene, I can not find (as indeed most of the manuscripts yet to be explained). Nowotny, editor of the Seldenrolle implies something vague from a shore of a water body from heaven fallen image of Quetzalcoatl, and then later in the story in pictures, this is mitgetagen bundle suspected Nowotny, be it in the water Six women bathing Mazatl been stolen. That can not like that, because the bundle was dragged along even in the scenes prior to this hike water scene.
The old chronicles say clearly: the Holy bundle could conjure water. Why should the signatories of the Seldenrolle did not exactly want to represent?
What should we now present in this Holy bundle? An extra-terrestrial high-tech device that was issued in several copies to the individual tribes and during the hikes served to the "gods plan" - as Peter Fiebag once called - to be, its aim and purpose, we do not understand to this day? Was it a kind of mobile phone and weather monitoring role?
What became of the Holy bundles after the walks? They were the most important cult object. They built their temples in which they were then asked, before they killed them, burned incense, praying, etc. The Holy Blood tapped from bundle appears in the so-called ritual fire bore, each of the beginning of a new circulation of 52 years Calendar of ancient Mexico celebrated. There were rituals in which the erstwhile acquisition of the bundle was enacted before the hike, or you organized handover celebrations, in which the sacred object, re the next guardians were given. They dragged the bundle on military campaigns and integrated it into the prince orders. In short: the object mutated into so-called cult object.
Codex Selden: sacred bundle in the temple, before the incense is offered
What I notice in her depictions of the bundle as the post-migration cult object: it no longer speaks. How long functioned or "spoke" the saints bundle after the migration period yet? I am only one known exception, where a bundle was shown later Sprachvoluten: the Codex Borgia, where it was kept in the temple, was then entwedendet and opened with the already described tragic outcome.
Where are all these saints bundles are gone? English chroniclers began to suspect that they - were hidden from the conquerors in secret - as the most important ritual objects. It was always in the medieval Inquisition processes diligently researched Mexico after saints bundles. had the court records give but a lot of evidence, witness statements about people, the bundles in custody had or places where it should go even bundle - but it never happened was something, even though the English inquisitors every effort tasks and even to like this had destroyed "Idolos pagan and devil works," as the church in this, too abundantly at the temples and ceremonial objects the ancient Mexicans did.
I have no hot lead in terms of retention of a saint bundle, I've just been straight about it scratched the surface. Far from all manuscripts were available to me in full, and most of the old chronicles and texts has not yet been translated into German or English. There is not even a list that specifies which depicted in illuminated manuscripts and sacred bundles on which pages. The local places, including temples with sacred bundles, or places, stations that have played a role in the migration are identified in the manuscripts at a tiny fraction or been localized.
And the archaeologists have still not yet revealed all receive funding, which may be hidden in Mesoamerica still in the ground and waiting for future discovery. Would one day an old sacred bundles are found, this could potentially bring more of our Paleo-SETI research is a big piece. Until then, it is as much as possible to bring out in more information about this enigmatic object. I for one would weiterrecherchieren because I am convinced that they are dealing with here is a device that would be superior to even our current technology is very likely.

Anders. Ferdinand / Maarten Jansen: Schrift und Buch im alten Mexiko. 1988 Graz
Bonte, HG: Das Buch der Könige von Tezcucu. Leipzig 1930
Burland, Cottie A.: The Selden Roll. Berlin 1955
Burland, Cottie A.: Codex Edgerton No. 2895. 1965 Graz
Caso, Alfonso: Interpretation of the Codex Gómez de Orozco. Mexico City 1954
Caso, Alfonso: Codex Bodley 2858. Mexico City 1960
Caso, Alfonso: Codex Colombino. Mexico City 1966
Castillo, Bernal Diaz del: Geschichte der Wahrhafte Discovery and conquest of New Spain. Stuttgart 1965 (reprint of 1632, Madrid)
Clark, James Cooper: The Story of Eight Deer in the Codex Colombino. London 1912
Davis, Nigel: The Aztecs. Reinbek 1976
Dietrich, Gabriele: Death and Afterlife in the Aztec religion. Berlin 1971
Eschmann, Anncharlott: The religious world of the Aztecs. Diss Berlin 1976
Hamy, Ernest Theodore: Codex Telleriano-Remensis. Paris 1899
Kingsborough, Edward K.: Antiquities of Mexico I, Part 3 London 1830
Krickeberg, Walter: Tales of the Aztec and Inca Peruvians. Dusseldorf, Cologne 1968
Kunike, Hugo: Aztec tale after the English of Sahagun. Berlin, Leipzig 1922
Lehmann, Walter: The history of the kingdoms of Colhuacan and Mexico. Stuttgart 1938
Mengin, Ernst: Anal Históricos de la Nación Mexicana. Baessler Archiv, vol 22 + 23, Berlin 1939 + 1940
Nowotny, Karl A.: Tlacuilolli. Monumenta Americana II, Berlin 1961
Nuttall, Zelia: The Codex Nuttall. New York 1975
Recinos, Adrián: Memorial de Sololá. Mexico 1950
Recinos, Adrián: Cronica de indigenous Guatemala. Guatemala 1957
Schroeter, Willy: religion and mythology of the Pawnee. Wyk 1997
Schultze-Jena, Leonhard: Indiana. Jena 1933 + 1935
Seler, Eduard: A chapter from the history book of Father Sahagun. In: Old Mexican Studies, Volume 1, Issue 4, Berlin 1890
Stenzel, Werner: The sacred bundle in Mesoamerica. Diss Vienna 1967
Tezozomoc, Hernandez Alvarado: Chronica Mexicana. 1878
Waupoche, R.: Handbook of Mesoamerican Indians. New Orleans 1966
Zimmermann, Günter: The relations Chimalpahin. Part 1 + 2 In: Proceedings from the field of Cultural Studies Volume 68 + 69, series B, vol 39th Hamburg 1963 + 1965
Zimmermann, Günter: The historical work of Domingo de Muñón Chimalpahin. Hamburg 1960

Gisela Ermel:
The sacred bundles of the Aztecs.
Culture jump, Master Plan and gods cast: Central America's mysterious past.
Ancient mail-Verlag, Gross-Gerau 2007
ISBN 978-3-935910-57-6
350 pages, numerous illustrations

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

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Birgit Schrowange @

Birgit Schrowange (7 April 1958 in Brilon, Sauerland) is a German television presenter.

A trained paralegal Schrowange Birgit started her television career as an assistant editor at WDR and presenter of the regional magazine Current hour. In 1985 she moved to YouTube, where she worked as a program announcer. In 1994, Schrowange the moderation of the German hit parade in the then South-West Radio.

Since 13 October 1994 moderated the commercially successful weekly infotainment show Extra - Das RTL-Magazin. In addition, she hosted at RTL, 23 November 1995 to 2004, the lifestyle magazine Life! - The desire to live.

1987 Birgit Schrowange played some point in the episode of the TV crime series A Case for Two with as an actress Rosie.

Birgit Schrowange from 1998 to 2006 with their RTL counterparts Markus Lanz (explosives - the magazine) allied with whom she has a son.

45 percent of Germans Verona Feldbusch in a representative survey by the Forsa Institute voted on behalf of the magazine "TV Today" at number one. Her adversary and successor in the RTL-2-magazine "Peep," Nadia (Naddel ") from del Farrag, finished with 21 points behind Bill Schrowange (30 percent) and Arabella Kiesbauer (26 percent), only fourth place. This was followed by Linda de Mol (19 percent) that is popular mainly in older men. Multiple answers were in the pre-release on Tuesday Study possible.

On the last two places were Sabrina Staubitz Lierhaus and Monica, who held three and two percent for erotic. Among the men cut Kai plum out on top. The moderator of the SAT-1 broadcast "Only love counts" and "revenge is sweet" was named by 34 percent of respondents. He sat down against Andreas Tuerck (24 percent), Günther Jauch, and Thomas Gottschalk (both 17 per cent).

Germany's most popular and best-known TV presenter is, however, Günther Jauch, as found in Germany at regular intervals investigation carried out the Munich-based media research company GGmedia. By GGmedia created "TV personality index" did after the last survey in September this year that before Jauch Thomas Gottschalk, Kai plum, Jürgen von der Lippe, Sabine Christiansen, Ingolf Lück and Joachim Bublath won the first place.

Friday, October 17, 2008

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Babes German Katarina Witt @ German Babes

Katarina Witt (born December 3, 1965) is a German figure skater, often in Germany she was commonly affectionately called "Kati" in the past, but today her full name is used more. She won two Olympic

gold medals for East Germany, first in the 1984 Sarajevo Olympics and the second in 1988 at the Calgary Olympics. She won the World Championships in 1984, 1985, 1987, and 1988, and six consecutive European Championships (1983–1988). Her competitive record makes her one of the most successful figure skaters of all time.


Katarina Witt was born in Staaken in then East Germany, just outside of West Berlin, which is today part of Berlin. She went to school in Karl-Marx-Stadt (which today has reverted to its pre-war name of Chemnitz). There she attended a special school for sports-talented children, named Kinder- und Jugendsportschule. She represented the club SC Karl-Marx-Stadt for the GDR (East Germany). Jutta Müller began coaching her in 1977

In 1984, Katarina Witt was voted "GDR female athlete of the year" by the readers of the East German newspaper junge Welt. She narrowly won the 1984 Olympic title over the favored contender, reigning World champion Rosalynn Sumners of the United States. Witt and Sumners held the top two spots heading into the Olympic free skate, worth 50% of the total score. Witt landed three triple jumps in her free skate program (or long program), and the judges left room for Sumners to win the event, but Sumners scaled back two of her jumps, and Witt won the long program by one tenth of a point on one judge's scorecard.

In 1987, Witt recaptured the World Championship title, which she had lost the previous year to Debi Thomas. Many consider her performance at this event to be the finest of her career. Witt only finished fifth in compulsory figures, which meant that Thomas could finish second in both the short and long programs and still retain the world title. However, a costly error by Thomas in the short program put the two skaters on a level playing field heading into the free skate. Witt skated the strongest long program of her career, landing 5 triple jumps, including a triple loop jump. Although Thomas also skated a strong long program, Witt was ranked first by the majority of the 9 judges and thus reclaimed the world title.

Both Witt and Thomas were the favored contenders for the 1988 Olympic title. Their rivalry was known as the "Battle of the Carmens", as each woman had independently elected to skate her long program to music from Bizet's opera Carmen. They held the top two spots after the compulsory figures and the short program. Witt skated her long program well, but not spectacularly, landing 4 triple jumps and downgrading her planned triple loop jump to a double loop. This left room for Thomas to win the long program, but Thomas skated poorly, missing 3 of her planned 5 triple jumps. Canadian skater Elizabeth Manley actually won the long program, but Katarina Witt retained her Olympic title based on her overall scores (she had finished ahead of Elizabeth Manley in both the compulsory figures and the short program). Katarina Witt became only the second woman in figure skating history (after Sonja Henie) to defend her Olympic title.

In 1988, Witt started a professional career, which was very unusual for East German athletes. At first she spent three years on tour in the United States with Brian Boitano, also a gold medalist in figure skating. Their show "Witt and Boitano Skating" was so successful that for the first time in ten years, New York's Madison Square Garden was sold out for an ice show. Later she continued at Holiday on Ice in the United States and in Western Europe.

Following the dissolution of East Germany, Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (Stasi) secret police files revealed that Witt had fully cooperated with the Stasi.

She also became an actress in the film Carmen on Ice (1989), which expanded upon her gold medal freestyle routine at Calgary. In 1990, she received an Emmy Award for her role in this film.

In 1994, she made a comeback to the competitive skating scene. She was again coached by Jutta Müller and qualified for the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, where she finished 7th. Her appearance in the Olympics was more about celebrating the joy of freedom in East Germany than in hopes of winning a medal. Much-which noted her free program to the music "Where Have All The Flowers Gone" (an arrangement of the Pete Seeger folk song "Where Have All the Flowers Gone"), considered remarkable for its artistic impression, including a peace message for the people of Sarajevo (the site of her first Olympic victory). She received the Golden Camera for her Olympic comeback. In the same year she published her autobiography My years between duty und Kür (My Years between Compulsories and Freestyle).

In 1995, she was inducted into the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame.

In 1996, she had a cameo role in the movie Jerry Maguire.

In December 1998, Witt posed nude for Playboy Magazine. The issue in which these photos were published was the second sold-out issue of this magazine. (The first sold-out issue was the inaugural one including photos of Marilyn Monroe.) Also in 1998, Witt appeared in the movie Ronin with a small supporting role and several lines of script. Around this time, she also played a villain in an episode of the tongue-in-cheek television series, V.I.P..

In 1999, she was voted "Favorite Female Athlete in the United States," as well as "Favorite Female Skater of the Century."

Witt has been known for her beauty and sex appeal as well as for her athleticism. Time magazine called her “the most beautiful face of socialism.” At the peak of her career, she was thought by some to resemble Brooke Shields, both of whom were in their late teens / early 20s at the time.

Witt's taste in figure skating costumes sometimes raised eyebrows. At the 1983 European championships she skated her Mozart short program in knee breeches instead of a skirt. Her blue skirtless feather-trimmed 1988 costume for a showgirl-themed short program was considered too theatrical and sexy, and led to a change in the ISU regulations which required female skaters to wear more modest clothing including skirts. In 1994, skating a Robin Hood-themed program, she again pushed the boundaries of the costume regulations by wearing not a skirt but a short tunic over leggings.

In November 2005, she published a novel, Only with Passion, in which she offers advice to a fictional young skater based on her many years of skating. Since October 2006, she has her own TV-show at the German TV-station ProSieben Stars auf Eis (Stars on Ice).

On 7 July, 2007, Witt presented at the German leg of Live Earth in Hamburg.

Witt has been invited to Istanbul as an honored guest for a popular skating competition TV show called Buzda Dans (Dance on Ice). The competition took place on February 25, 2007.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

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Susanne Holst @ German Babes

Susanne Holst (19 September 1961 in Hamburg) is a German physician, medical journalist and television presenter.

After graduating from Hamburg University and her doctorate in 1996 in human medicine, she completed her first assistant position in a practice of General Medicine in Hamburg. By her former boyfriend came to Sat.1 during the study, where she started as CVD assistant in the newsroom, to the host of the show, "Good morning, Sat.1" The Rise and 1991, the Golden Camera magazine Hörzu received.

followed further engagement. At Sat.1 the health magazine "Stay healthy" and the ZDF broadcast the "people". 1995 Hamburg who designed the spa, the magazine on it good "and presented it every day in the program by Sat.1. In addition to the medical mission "alpha-med" at BR and a health section in tm3 she presented from 1996 to 2004 with the NDR the weekly series of articles "DAS! doing good "(. 380 episodes) from 1999

moderated Susanne Holst also - in the exchange with colleagues - the medical show" visit "and the daily afternoon magazine N3 from 4". Since 7 May 2001, she moderated in the afternoon editions of the ARD Tagesschau, also represents them as needed Caren Miosga and Tom Buhrow at the evening news. From 2004 to 2005 she also hosted a weekly health program "personal visit" in the NDR.

She is the author of several books on diabetes care, pain management, sleep, and rheumatism. Holst has been married since 1992 and has two children.

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So, I'll buy a large pillar candle and am in the process. Perhaps we can even meet with neighbors and / or friends and while away the time together. Wow, what one may think of it.

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