Saturday, September 15, 2007

Chicken Pasta Machine

But not everywhere, where "organic" on the outside, it is also in there

Here is an interesting article from the star. I have taken part in the deals with the differences between the green electricity suppliers. The world of new electricity supplier may indeed be quite confusing:
But according to Heiko von Tschischwitz, CEO of the largest pure green electricity supplier bright spot, have the power changer certainly affect the current market: "Change The more customers, more not sponsored green power we buy. We also invest in the construction of new facilities. " The other three operate nation-wide provider Natural Power, EWS Schönau and Greenpeace Energy commit to money in new equipment to . Insert But not everywhere, where "organic" on the outside, it is also there. Dagmar Ginzel the consumer portal Verivox says: "Many public utility it is made very easy to keep the electricity from environmentally friendly hydroelectric power, they had even before, simply transferred to a separate Ökotarif.." Similar procedures, the large utilities, Karin Jahn says of the Bremer Energie Institut. "The mix of nuclear, coal, hydro and wind is just split between two new tariffs There Then, in green energy, but the rest of the gray is just more power gray. " Only when the provider commits itself to build with the new revenue Ökoanlagen, will change a bit. Götz Schell is therefore rather just the pure Ökoanbieter. There he can be sure that his money at the end does not end up in the box office but one of the major producers such as RWE, Eon, EnBW and Vattenfall.

However, there are also large suppliers who are trying to align the supply of renewable energies. Thus, the nationwide offering Stadtwerke Flensburg do have a pure Ökotarif, fed by Norwegian hydropower. But the normal tariff contains at least 21 percent electricity from renewable energy sources. Manfred Dick Fish says: "If many public utilities would shift to green energy, would accelerate the process of course." More and more companies think about: Alexander Borwitzky, sales manager of the cosmetics chain The Body Shop is just around its 100 German stores to look at power of light. He says: "We also switch to green power to reduce CO2 emissions permanently, so we opted for a certified company." For the hundreds of Ökotarifen is a certificate good decision making. It indicates whether green power benefit the environment sustainably. As a leader are the TÜVZertifikat, have the roughly 100 vendors, and the "ok-power label". Companies undertake with the seal to promote, build new plants. So light of the change to a Ökotarif is: It costs still strength to overcome your inner fears. Especially the German cabaret artist Matthias Mann has signed with the EWS. "The change was long overdue, but I was always comfortable." Now he feels better. "And my electricity is not expensive."

to the star-article (32/2007)


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